MA Global

“So that all may know the Hope of the nations”


 Current Project

We are currently raising funds to complete the purchase of our runway land in Niger. This property will allow for a runway, hangar, well drilling facilities, housing, and so much more.

Every $67 you give pays for one foot of runway. This facility will serve every aspect of the ministry and open many doors throughout Niger and West Africa.


Our mission is simple. We strive to be a vessel through which the kingdom moves at home as well as abroad. We serve the unreached and forgotten people of this world leaving a real and lasting impact that is unreliant on us and a testament to Gods Love.



We believe in engaging a dynamic world with an equally dynamic strategy. We meet needs, preach the Gospel and engage with our partners to bring real, lasting change that is a testimony to who God is.

01. Introduce a Pure Gospel

The Gospel is not foreign to any culture. Our job is to remove our cultural baggage from the Gospel message and introduce people to Jesus in their culture and language.

02. Raise up genuine disciples

The Gospel moves when faithful men and women are equipped to go and make disciples who will make disciples.

2 Tim. 2:2

03. serve those less fortunate

We Strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Through our partnership with indigenous ministries we aim to bring real lasting change through development and service not merely a hand out.

04. Challenge and connect our partners

We strive to pour into our partners as they pour into us. We view our ministry as one that is at home and abroad, by challenging our partners to engage in the Global Body of Christ.


“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms”

1 Peter 4:10
